Does having a crown put on your molar hurt?

So, my Mum is worrying nearly having a crown put on her back top tooth.

Just wondering every bit is she (she asked me to postal service this) does information technology hurt? if so, how long is the hurting at that place for?

She has the prep done at the terminate of May. (the day I get my Braces off :D)


  • No. Y'all take an injection earlier they offset. It'southward no worse than having a filling washed.

  • The worst bit for me when was they took the impressions of your teeth to get the size correct. I didn't like having all the gummy stuff in my mouth and having to exhale through my nose.

    There was no pain whatsoever though :)

  • Okay, she is so nervous merely I'll let her know

    Thank you :)

  • The worst bit for me when was they took the impressions of your teeth to get the size right. I didn't like having all the gummy stuff in my rima oris and having to exhale through my nose.

    In that location was no hurting whatsoever though :)

    I establish that depends much on the Dentist.

    Starting time crown I had was 30 years agone and the Dentist was brilliant. However a couple of years ago it chipped so had to be replaced and the Dentist who did that treated me with brute force! Only a pocket-sized guy simply he had the strength of a lion! When taking a new impression he forced his hand in my oral fissure and yanked back really hard with this gum stuff. I thought he'd end up busting my jaw!!

  • lea_uklea_uk Posts: 9,420

    Forum Member

    The worst bit for me when was they took the impressions of your teeth to get the size correct. I didn't like having all the glutinous stuff in my mouth and having to breathe through my olfactory organ.

    That's what put me off having information technology done, when I needed braces, when I was 12.

  • I find it hurts about as much every bit a filling as well.

  • It doesn't hurt at all.

    The temporary crown was on for 2 weeks, until the permanent one was prepare.

    I can not remember whatever pain of discomfort at all.

  • At that place shouldn't be any pain but parts of the process are a little unpleasant.

    The near unpleasant function is when the dentist has to grind away a large function of the quondam molar to make information technology into a peg to fit the new crown onto. This shouldn't injure at all just it does accept quite a while and, due to the nature of the work, you lot will feel it being done, if that makes any sense!

    The removal of the temporary crown, I personally establish, was also a lilliputian unpleasant merely it didn't really hurt at all. Some temporary crowns appear to want to become permanent!

    And so, best non to worry, just exist prepared for a little unpleasantness, only no hurting. I'm sure the finished result will be well worth it.

    (I myself take had iv crowns fitted but all on front end teeth. Over the years two have cleaved and needed replacement and I currently have one broken crown, which hasn't been replaced before, that I need to practise something nigh)

  • QTC13QTC13 Posts: iii,566

    Forum Member


    There shouldn't exist whatsoever pain simply parts of the process are a niggling unpleasant.

    The well-nigh unpleasant part is when the dentist has to grind away a big role of the old molar to make it into a peg to fit the new crown onto. This shouldn't hurt at all but information technology does have quite a while and, due to the nature of the piece of work, you will feel it beingness washed, if that makes any sense!

    The removal of the temporary crown, I personally constitute, was also a little unpleasant but it didn't actually hurt at all. Some temporary crowns appear to want to become permanent!

    So, best non to worry, but be prepared for a piffling unpleasantness, but no pain. I'm sure the finished result will be well worth it.

    (I myself take had four crowns fitted but all on front end teeth. Over the years ii take cleaved and needed replacement and I currently have 1 broken crown, which hasn't been replaced before, that I demand to do something about)

    My crown is the temporary one. I couldn't face up going back to have it replaced with the permanent one. Information technology's been in place 'temporarily' since 2005.

  • I take had back crowns washed. No pain, but they practice take a while. Wish your mum luck from me.

  • My crown is the temporary ane. I couldn't face going dorsum to have it replaced with the permanent i. It'south been in place 'temporarily' since 2005.

    Fitting the permanent crown takes less than ten minutes!

    Having a crown done is painless (except for the initial injection), but incredibly boring. It just takes ages to exercise. I've had seven done so far, and the temporary crowns on my back teeth always fell off, but apart from having horrible "pegs" instead of proper teeth for a couple of weeks, even they didn't hurt. For me, having the crowns done has been a life-saver. The dentist was able to change the alignment of the top two front end teeth and then that for the get-go time in my life I could actually chew properly! Would gladly take more dental work done if it was necessary, in guild to preserve my teeth.

  • The just painful fleck is the injection.

  • QTC13QTC13 Posts: 3,566

    Forum Member


    Plumbing equipment the permanent crown takes less than 10 minutes!

    Having a crown done is painless (except for the initial injection), but incredibly boring. It just takes ages to do. I've had vii done and then far, and the temporary crowns on my back teeth always fell off, but apart from having horrible "pegs" instead of proper teeth for a couple of weeks, fifty-fifty they didn't injure. For me, having the crowns washed has been a life-saver. The dentist was able to change the alignment of the top two front teeth so that for the get-go time in my life I could actually chew properly! Would gladly have more dental work done if it was necessary, in order to preserve my teeth.

    When you take a phobia of dentists it's not as unproblematic as that.

  • I had my two middle top teeth crowned in 1990 and the procedure was rather uncomfortable but not painful.

    Since so I accept had 2 occasions of one of the crowns becoming unstuck, this was unproblematic enough to gear up past but re-cementing information technology - if this happens brand sure you continue hold of the detached crown (and don't eat it!) to relieve having to have a new one made!

  • My crown is the temporary one. I couldn't face going back to have information technology replaced with the permanent one. Information technology'due south been in place 'temporarily' since 2005.

    Did you pay for the whole job? Your permanent crown must yet exist in that location. That'southward a lot of coin just to take a temporary crown.

    My temporary crown was metal. I looked like a 1970'southward pimp with it in, so had no selection simply to go back for the permanent i to exist fitted. :)

  • :confused:
    Fitting the permanent crown takes less than ten minutes!

    Having a crown washed is painless (except for the initial injection), but incredibly boring. It only takes ages to do. I've had seven done then far, and the temporary crowns on my back teeth always fell off, but apart from having horrible "pegs" instead of proper teeth for a couple of weeks, even they didn't injure. For me, having the crowns done has been a life-saver. The dentist was able to change the alignment of the top 2 front end teeth so that for the start time in my life I could really chew properly! Would gladly have more than dental piece of work done if it was necessary, in order to preserve my teeth.

    God yes. It takes ages and ages to go the peg just correct. I had to tell the dentist to stop one-half mode through equally I was bursting for a piss. I must have been in that chair well over an hour (minus 5 minutes in the loo:o)

    As you say the permanent crown only takes 10-15 minutes to fit.

    It must exist atrocious if anyone has a dental phobia. Luckily I don't. I consider a trip to the dentist an opportunity for a nice rest in a comfy chair. :)

  • Don't remember any pain, didn't like the mould making part and having to wait a week for it to be fabricated.

  • When yous take a phobia of dentists it's not as simple as that.

    Off-white enough, just it's non a tenth as bad equally having the molar filed down in the first place!

    I used to have a dental phobia when I was a child, merely perchance that wasn't surprising - things were a lot more primitive in the 1950s! Also, the thought of dentures, which is one of my worst fears, will keep me going dorsum for more.

  • QTC13QTC13 Posts: 3,566

    Forum Fellow member


    Did you lot pay for the whole job? Your permanent crown must still be there. That's a lot of money only to have a temporary crown.

    My temporary crown was metallic. I looked like a 1970'southward pimp with it in, and then had no choice but to become dorsum for the permanent ane to exist fitted. :)

    Didn't pay a penny. Had a reminder alphabetic character after most 12months. But moved twice since then and then I think they've got the hint.

  • God yes. Information technology takes ages and ages to get the peg just correct. I had to tell the dentist to stop half way through as I was bursting for a piss. I must have been in that chair well over an hour (minus 5 minutes in the loo:o)

    I was only in the chair for 30 mins max on the 1st visit - getting the peg right, impressions taken etc and ten mins for the 2nd visit. I've been with my dentist for 25years and nosotros become forth great so luckily for me its never tiresome.

  • I'll tell her it isn't too bad then, or get her to have a look at this thread :)

  • Had ane washed a couple of years ago - never had any issues since.
    Two appointments and no more 20 minutes each time and no pain then don't worry.

  • The removal of the temporary crown, I personally plant, was also a little unpleasant just it didn't actually hurt at all.

    Dentists appear not to want to give an injection when removing the temporary crown, but I insisted on an injection when the process started to feel uncomfortable.

  • HurlleyHurlley Posts: two,162

    Forum Member


    I don't know how you guys don't feel any pain im in absolute agony with any fillings, when they are drilling and what not. the dentist says they have numbed my mouth but all they have washed is numbed the gums simply they aren't drilling my bloddy gums!!

  • I don't know how yous guys don't experience whatsoever pain im in absolute agony with any fillings, when they are drilling and what not. the dentist says they have numbed my rima oris but all they have done is numbed the gums just they aren't drilling my bloddy gums!!

    Well, the dentist isn't getting information technology right then. What they should do is a nervus block, which means that the whole nerve, which supplies the gums and the teeth in the same region, is effectively expressionless while the anaesthetic lasts. Imagine a tree with lots of branches, and you've cut down the tree - non only the trunk about the cutting, but too all of the branches are isolated (although evidently this instance is a bit more drastic!).